AWS security

Aka ‘DARK WEB HACKER COST ME $1600 SHOCK HORROR !’ After I set up my Jekyll site and uploaded the content to Amazon S3 using ‘s3website’, I remember thinking ‘I must re-read that section about securing the configuration file with AWS credentials in plain text’. If the source code of your website is publicly available, ensure that the s3website.yml file is in the list of ignored files. For git users this means that the file .gitignore should mention the s3website.yml file. ...

March 9, 2016

Amazon customer service

I am currently hosting this site on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). For the first 12 months I am eligible for the Free Usage Tier pricing. The Free Tier isn’t completely free but includes ‘5 GB of Amazon S3 standard storage, 20,000 Get Requests, and 2,000 Put Requests’. Initially, I had to test, review and deploy the entire site a few times before I got things right and Google’s crawler was busy re-indexing the site so I wasn’t wholly surprised when September’s bill was a measly 15 cents. ...

October 8, 2012

playing with the Android Kindle Reader

Shamefully, I don’t read many books so an eBook reader has never been high on my list of priorities as it would probably become a moderately expensive white elephant and yet another gadget to carry around. However, Amazon’s high profile marketing campaign for the Kindle eBook reader sparked my interest sufficiently to download the free Kindle Reader application for Android to sample the experience of reading an eBook on a mobile device. In addition, I’ve just purchased a higher capacity (16GB) SD card for the Android phone which means it could replace my iPod Touch as I can now store all my music on the Android phone and start to consolidate two of my mobile devices. If the Android Kindle Reader application is usable, could the HTC Legend also fulfill the role of an eBook Reader ? ...

December 18, 2010

confession time

Dear Jeff Bozos It is 39 years and 7 months since my last confession. Back in 2001, I opened an Amazon Associates account, placed a link to a wonderful Oracle book I wanted to buy on my personal Web site, clicked through on the link and purchased the book from Amazon (UK). This abuse of the referral program credited my newly opened Amazon Associates account with the princely sum of 1.55 GBP. ...

December 22, 2005

dot bombs

Returned from holiday to find correspondence lying on my doorstep from two internet companies. Both were big names and continually in the news during the internet boom in 1999. Firstly, two cheques resulting from travelocity’s takeover of Back in 2000, I applied to buy shares in for me, my wife, my auntie and my dog. Thankfully, the share offering was massively oversubscribed and I only received the minimum allocation which reduced my subsequent losses five years later. In fact, the lastminute takeover was very timely as I had two separate, small shareholdings which I was stuck with as dealing costs would have swallowed up most of the proceeds. ...

August 17, 2005