Welcome to WordPress 2.2

I don’t know what I did wrong but I just upgraded to WordPress 2.2 and everything still works. Download WordPress 2.2 distribution and read instructions. Upload tar archive to Bluehost using pscp. Run manual database backup using AutoMySQLBackup. Deactivate all plugins. $ cp -rv blog blog-213 $ rm -fr blog $ tar zxvf ~/wordpress-2.2.tar.gz $ mv wordpress blog Overlay contents of original wp-content/plugins and wp-content/themes directories. Reactivate all plugins (apart from widgets) which is now in core....

May 18, 2007

moving house

Please update your bookmarks and feeds with immediate effect.

May 15, 2007

a triumph for slothful indolence and lethargy

Like most newly born WordPress.com bloggers, I keenly played with all the features and tirelessly experimented with the rich variety of horrendous 1, 2 and 3 column themes. Then, I left home and bought a domain name from a geezer in the pub. The downward spiral continues into self-hosting and mixing with the wrong crowd. Inevitably, I stayed up late, dabbled in alcohol and drugs while installing every single plugin and widget ever created for WordPress....

May 10, 2007

Top 10 Keywords

Donncha showed me his so now I have to show him mine. dixons duty free andy c dixons tax free meaningful questions virgin media v+ box sky.com/anytime heathrow duty free shopping dixons duty free gatwick duty free shopping heathrow dbms_stats+siebel

May 4, 2007

migration of photo blog

Yahoo! kindly chose to close my Flickr! account because it was associated with an additional email and not my primary Yahoo Id. I contacted support in an effort to resurrect my Flickr account but to no avail. So, goodbye Flickr and hello Picasa. To get things underway, I proudly present a couple of poor quality camera phone shots from my recent stays in anonymous and overpriced hotels in Cardiff and Oxford respectively....

April 20, 2007

resurrection of Performancing Metrics

Just 10 weeks after closing, Performancing Metrics has risen again, phoenix-like, from the ashes. I didn’t use the previous incarnation of this statistics package as I had a hosted WordPress blog which didn’t support Javascript. When I migrated to my own WordPress blog, I used Google Analytics which is perfect for my purposes (and free) but I couldn’t resist installing the new version of the new statistics package from Performancing Metrics....

March 28, 2007

rolling upgrade

Until 30 minutes ago, this blog was running Wordpress 2.1 courtesy of the Fantastico installation at Bluehost. The blog was fairly stable and worked fine. However, I was investigating upgrading to WordPress 2.1.2 to plug a security issue. The Fantastico Installer currently only offers an upgrade to the flawed 2.1.1 release. In any case, the Fantastico installer now refuses to upgrade my WordPress installation because I have installed new themes, configured additional plug-ins and even added database tables to the schema....

March 5, 2007

feed overload

From a posting in the Google Reader newsgroup I have (approx) 383,240 feeds…

February 22, 2007

dugg, slashdotted and tailranked

Dear Reader My cruel owner got very excited last night when he went to play with his rotating tagline. Instead of his precious blog, much to his surprise, he was presented with this. His reaction to this mundane error was startling. At last ! Look, blog, look at this. 18 months and I’ve finally done it. At last ! We’ve been dugg ! Why did it take them so long to catch on ?...

February 2, 2007

how to rotate taglines on your WordPress blog

Another thing on my todo list was to learn PHP and write a WordPress plugin to randomly select quotes stored in the database to rotate the tagline. An admin interface to create, modify and delete quotes was planned for Version 2.1 (beta) due Q4 2008. Fortunately for me though, a helpful person called Zombie Robot (pseudonym ?) has already produced wp-quotes (and another kind person tweaked it to work properly for taglines)....

January 29, 2007