don't talk to strangers

There’s nowt as queer as folk. I could maintain a blog purely on search terms leading to this dark recess of the blogsphere. For example: ‘Urinals With a View at Stockholm Airport’ Worryingly, Stockholm is precisely where I am heading next week. Thankfully this time, I will be leaving the confines of the airport complex. I think I will abstain from all fluid intake prior to the flight, cross my legs and wait until I get to the hotel....

June 8, 2006

Fame at last

My humble blog got a mention on the Google front page. Well, my ' History of Oracle' entry appeared in the Blogs section of the Oracle page on Google Finance. Next stop - Top blogs.

June 8, 2006

Blogger does something shock

A modern, standards compliant RSS feed. Whatever next. Let’s hope people take this opportunity to switch to a full feed. Odd to compare Google’s relative inactivity with all the features, languages, statistics, themes and functionality added to WordPress in the last six months.

June 7, 2006

stop it, stop it, stop it

Oh no. WordPress are now promising to add import/export functionality which is the only barrier stopping me from migrating to my own hosted blog. That would open up a whole new world of plug-ins, themes, statistics…

June 2, 2006

half time scoreboard

Days: 289 days Posts: 261 Comments: 222 (209 by yours truly) Categories: 33 Spam: 965 Adsense Revenue: 0.00 USD Ranking: 145,413 Pages: 0

June 2, 2006

blind date

Against my better judgement (see solitary comment), I uploaded my static list of feeds and RSS subscriptions to Share Your OPML. ‘Subscriptions like Mine’ tells me that my love match (with an impressive strength rating of 36.371) is none other than, Number 1, Eddie Awad. The wedding is on Saturday July 22. Please, no presents. All donations to charity. Obviously all loyal readers of this humble blog (from August 2005 with proof) are all invited....

June 2, 2006

partial versus full fe…

Imagine trying to hold a conversation with someone who never completed their sentences. Irritating, eh ? I used to smile when people like Robert Scoble (and other well respected bloggers) used to get all heated and uptight in a raging controversy about a subject as innocuous as the thorny issue of partial versus full RSS feeds. I used to think ‘Crikey. Aren’t there more serious things in life to worry about ?...

May 26, 2006

watching you watching me

The more observant among you will have noticed the addition of a StatCounter button to the sidebar. The available StatCounter metrics are quite basic as the hosted Wordpress blog is limited to the HTML (not the Javascript) version of the tracking code. So advanced features like path analysis and keywords are not available but the reports do include domain information, breakdown of unique and returning visitors, visit length, pages per visit and browser metrics....

May 24, 2006

identity crisis

Dear Reader Apologies but it has indeed been a long time since my last post. The reason for this enforced silence was that my cruel owner had me sectioned under the mental health act for the last 6 months. He maintained that I was a dangerous, paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur. He was wrong of course. My only sin was to continually argue with my owner’s intractable assertion that I was merely a blog....

May 18, 2006

rank my tail

Referrer traffic from TailRank. Nothing too remarkable about that but an absolutely fantastic opportunity for a Viz style subject line. Finbar Saunders

May 17, 2006