
…begins at home and is often misspelled. I didn’t mind Tom Kyte copying my PhotoBlog idea but now he is using my fantastic, amusing blog entry about the loss of Interweb connectivity in a hotel as a source for inspiration without the courtesy of an attribution or a [Via] reference. What next ? The ‘death’ of a domestic rodent ? If this blatant plagiarism continues, I will be forced to take action....

May 2, 2006


…is the sincerest form of flattery. I note Tom Kyte is shamelessly copying my exciting and innovative photoblog idea but appears to using a slightly more expensive camera. Pity I was not able to attend Tom’s 2 day seminar in London. That would have been very interesting. Maybe next time.

April 28, 2006

state of the blogosphere

Web 2.0 aficionados, across the globe, held their collective breath today as Mr. Norman Brightside, a little known and largely unsung blogger, from Newcastle (near Norway) delivered his much awaited, quarterly update to his renowned ‘State of the Blogosphere’ address. Fresh from the successful launch of a book club, Brightside told an adoring and expectant audience: The blogosphere is in a right old state. There are a few more blogs appearing and the rate of growth is directly proportional to a fascinating new factor....

April 21, 2006

lies, damned lies and statistics

In the first 13 minutes of 20 April 2006, there was a single hit on this blog (no names, no pack-drill). Curiously, the recently added WordPress feed statistics reported a surprising and rather unlikely number of 53 ’estimated number of people who used certain tools to read your feed’ in the same period. Now this is simply not true. Most of these 53 ‘people’ were RSS spiders and automatons dumbly and repeatedly polling for any activity....

April 20, 2006

HTML > blog

Michael Brundage writes an popular article about what it is really like to work at Microsoft. Flexible working environment, minimal paperwork, hard work, gripes about managers, free drinks. So nothing too earth shattering or surprising there. But what struck me about this blog is that it isn’t a blog. It is simply a good old fashioned Web page. No categories. No comments. No statistics. No trackbacks. No fancy themes. No calendar....

April 20, 2006

1GB memory stick

I was seriously considering selling all my stock options and purchasing a 1GB USB memory stick for an amazing 30 GBP. Then I thought I would get an account at and upload all the precious files, that my wife sadly lost when my hard disk died a couple of years ago, there instead. This has the advantages that if I ever need to take my memory stick to Seattle to show Auntie Rita, this will be possible, I won’t be able to leave the memory stick in a client’s PC in Eastern Europe and, finally, it will cost me 30 GBP less....

April 19, 2006

teetering on the edge

Since the Regulus theme was added to WordPress last November, I have stuck with it through thick and thin, for richer for poorer, through sickness and in health. Lots of themes have subsequently been introduced to Wordpress and I always preview each of them but none of them look as easy on the eye and as functional as Regulus. However, I must say that the recently added ‘Andreas04’ theme is very attractive and had me dithering for a moment....

March 19, 2006

Due to a complete lack of demand

I am not going to report on the “Starting From Zero” meme again until day 666, with no more intermediate steps along the way. I am tired of the project, personally, and it’s obviously driving others mad, too.

March 19, 2006

One small step...

Thanks to Igor (who is a human being and not a monster) kindly modifying an inbound link, an article briefly appearing in Dave Sifry’s Link Cosmos (a proud moment indeed) and a citation from this very odd gentleman, this blog has edged up the Technorati ladder Day 211. Technorati Rank: 145,329 (33 links from 19 sites) However, the grim realisation is slowly dawning that there is more chance of MUFC catching Chelsea than my humble blog overtaking Stowe Boyd....

March 16, 2006

from zero to hero

Up by around 13,000 due to an arbitrary inbound link from the WordPress tags page Day 202. Technorati Rank: 173,971 (29 links from 16 sites) However, this may be the last in the very popular ‘From Zero’ series for two reasons: I have exhausted all decent subject lines and puns starting ‘From Zero’ Apart from creating a load of splogs or bribing people, I have exhausted all known avenues for inbound links I may well now turn my attention to PubSub where my ranking is a much more satisfying 66,425 (InLinks 0, OutLinks 0, Entries 0) and I simply do not believe that hurtful person who told me PubSub only track a total of 66,426 blogs....

March 8, 2006