autograph hunting

The following celebrities have graced my blog with the odd (in some cases, very odd) comment: Matt Mullenweg (WordPress) Dave Sifry (Technorati). Original post deleted as it was an unfounded criticism of Technorati (filed in the Bugs database under ‘idiotic user’) Stowe Boyd (Web 2.0 ‘A’ lister) Thomas Kyte (Oracle) Paul Stamatiou (student extraordinaire) Doug Burns (roaming, humorous, loyal, Scottish Oracle DBA type) Norman Whiteside (MUFC) One of these is a joke....

March 7, 2006

from zero to eternity

Thanks to Jeff Hunter kindly updating the link on his blogroll, this blog has awoken from a period of slumber. Day 201. Technorati Rank: 187,013 (28 links from 15 sites) Don’t ask me why 3 links and 3 sites have been added (instead of 1) since the last update. Who am I to question the inner workings of Technorati ? However, /Message is currently positioned at an impressive 4,586 (514 links from 269 sites) and Stowe Boyd’s beaming face and black beret continue to taunt me so the struggle must go on....

March 6, 2006

tags, categories and labels

Lorelle is getting a little vexed about the the precise semantics and usage of tags and categories. I must confess this isn’t a subject that keeps me awake at night although I do agree that the WordPress category list tends to get a little verbose with all those pesky tags. However, due to circumstances outside my control, I have just had to endure some pain and wasted time converting Outlook Tasks and Contacts to use a flat structure with ‘Categories’ (rather than my previous folder structure Contacts-Personal, Contacts-Work etc etc)....

March 2, 2006

from zero to infinity (and beyond)

The purchase of the black beret has certainly had the desired effect. Thanks to an appearance on James Healey’s Oracle POC blogroll and Rahul Agarwal’s newly created blog (also on, I am the proud owner of two fresh inbound links. However, the Technorati ranking remains unchanged. Maybe the links were already accounted for. Sigh. Day 195. Technorati Rank: 235,668 (23 links from 12 sites)

March 1, 2006

the great Tammy NYP blog hoax

Remember the tiresome, well-intentioned emails at work that spread fear, uncertainty and doubt, waste a lot of time and hence, cost a lot of money but actually transpire to be a well documented hoax. Well the blogosphere has its own endless loop equivalents for the unwary. The recursive best blonde joke The Tammy NYP treasure hunt The Origami paper chase

February 28, 2006

going on a diet

I will stop wasting time evaluating every RSS reader in the universe and simply revert to NewsGator Online. This will help me to read and enjoy content when I actually have the time and inclination. This will also stop me being distracted by that insidious ‘There is 1 new article’ irritant which just leads to skim reading lots of irrelevant material in a mindless urge to get ‘up to date’....

February 27, 2006

full circle

That’s it. Enough procrastination. Finished. I will use Microsoft Outlook to manage my email, contacts, tasks and calendar at work. I will store work related and personal data in the same repository. I will not store any data on a Web based service. I will use Beyond Contacts (from DataViz) to synchronise my contacts, tasks and calendar to my aging but perfectly adequate monochrome Palm Vx. I will either use old fashioned paper and cheap biros from leading hotel chains (I would only lose an expensive moleskin and fountain pen) or the Palm to capture stuff when I am at home, in transit, in a hostelry or away from my work computer....

February 27, 2006

from zero to 0.00000001

I am following, with interest, the progress of Stowe Boyd’s /Message blog as it gradually, inexorably climbs up the Technorati rankings. Excellent subject for a blog. Plenty of interesting, free material on a daily basis without any need for thought. So I have decided to follow suit albeit a little late in the day. Day 194. Technorati Rank: 235,668 (23 links from 12 sites) Tune in this time tomorrow to see the impact of my new black beret....

February 27, 2006

to whom it may concern

To the good people who were searching for answers and somehow blundered onto my blog, here is my considered response. excuse for no homework Sorry but please stay behind after class and write out 100 times ‘There is simply no excuse’. However, I sincerely hope you did indeed try your luck with my suggestion and would dearly love to know the outcome. robbie fowler four times fingers Hmm. Don’t tell me you turned off at half-time too ?...

February 22, 2006

breath of fresh air

It’s easy to get carried away with all this Web 2.0 nonsense. So while you are trawling the blogosphere, desperately looking for invites to CoComment and seeing whether 30 Boxes does indeed live up to all the hype, pause for a moment and look at two of my favourite blogs that offer a slightly different perspective on Web 2.0. Go Flock Yourself - Witty, incisive, opinioniated comment. Always worth reading. The blog title alone still brings a smile....

February 8, 2006