evangelism - Habari style

Dear Prudence That’s excellent news. I am glad to hear you have managed to get PDO installed and now have Habari up and running on your site. As for how I happened to stumble across your site, well…. There’s an army of committed, passionate Habari enthusiasts who routinely conduct Twitter, Web and blog searches for every single mention of the word ‘Habari’. In addition, one of the primary responsibilities of the mysterious organisation - the Cabal - is to infiltrate Government intelligence agencies worldwide (GCHQ, NSA, Mossad, KGB) and access transcripts of all mobile phone conversations and SMS text messages....

November 27, 2008

more fun with keyword searches

The gift that simply keeps on giving. ‘914 scam’ - if you don’t know the correct name, you may already be doomed to failure. ‘reasons for isolation’ - spending too much time on the Internet searching for ‘reasons for isolation’. “craig gordon” “ian curtis” - odd combination of a dead pop star and a living Sunderland goalkeeper. ‘my wife’s shapely legs’ - yeah right. Take those stockings off. Now. “(“current vacancy” or vacancies or opportunity or careers or “working with” or “working for”) and (“oracle dba” or oracle dba )and london” - with such a superlative grasp of search term syntax and semantics, you would simply be wasted as an Oracle DBA....

November 18, 2008

review of Habari 0.5

Introduction Habari is a blogging platform, created back in January 2007 and in the subsequent 18 months, the software has matured and version 0.5.1 was recently released. Originally, I downloaded and experimented with Habari late in 2007 but it wasn’t until February 2008 that I finally took the plunge and migrated my blog from WordPress. Installation Habari requires PHP 5.2 (or higher) and PHP Data Objects (PDO). If your hosting company can’t meet these requirements, think about switching to one that can....

September 26, 2008

Web 2.0 relationship scorecard

+1 for a ‘friend’ +5 for a ‘follower’ +10 for a blog comment +25 for a blog contact +50 for an email +100 for a photo +250 for a NSFW photo +400 for an audio conversation +99,999 for a hot steamy IM session +1,000,000 for sharing a pint

September 25, 2008

twitter killed the blogging star

I have tried many times, in many different places, to articluate the idea that micro-blogging reduces ones blogging output but Russell Beattie completely expresses my thoughts on the subject in this brilliant article. ‘Tweeting totally takes away that blogging urge from me… Once I tweet about something, it’s like it disappears from my mind completely.’ I can completely identify with this statement and another sentence also struck a resounding chord with me:...

August 26, 2008

knowing me, knowing you

[ This post also had working titles of ‘Friends, bloggers and countrymen’ and ‘anti-social networking’. ] A few weeks ago, a gentleman called WaveyDavey001 was kind enough to invite me to participate in a Fantasy Football League. Rather rudely, I attempted to invite several of my friends into the same League so I only needed to manage one team. WaveyDavey001 politely agreed with the caveat; ‘I’d like to vaguely know most (of them)’....

August 19, 2008

in praise of Disqus

Disqus recently released a update which includes the ability to export comments on a WordPress blog so I have just exported all historic comments left on this blog (when it was running WordPress) into Disqus. This operation was slightly complicated because this blog now uses Habari but the necessary steps were: Download and install the new Disqus 2.0 plugin for Wordpress. Delete all obvious spam so the export only processes genuine comments and runs faster....

August 14, 2008

reader fragmentation

I suspect I have different audiences reading my blog, Tumblr, Friendfeed, Jaiku, GR Shared Items. I call this ‘reader fragmentation’ but haven’t applied for copyright yet. Should I ?

June 10, 2008

pocket Web 2.0 dictionary

Define your favourite Web 2.0 service in two words (or less) Blogging: ‘Dear diary’ Flickr: ‘Cat photos’ FriendFeed: ‘Friend’s Feeds’ Tumblr: ‘Disposable blogging’ Wikipedia: ‘Online encyclopedia’ Twitter: ‘Inane drivel’ del.icio.us: ‘Period overload’ Disqus: ‘Modern flamewars’ Digg: ‘Technical narcissism’ Last.fm: ‘Dire Straits’ YouTube: ‘Cat videos’ LinkedIn: ‘Gizza job’

May 9, 2008

new look for monthly archives

There is a new, improved Monthly Archives plugin available for Habari which is now installed on this blog. I realise that I’m probably the only person to ever scan the historical archives but I really like it so, once again, many thanks to Chris Meller and the Habari community.

May 1, 2008