a year with Linux

Last week saw the first anniversary of my adoption of Linux on my desktop PC so I thought I’d write a quick summary of how things went in the last 12 months as I always enjoy reading real-life user adoption stories. Initially, I installed Linux Mint 7 (Gloria) on my aged Dell Dimension and in the following weeks, I subsequently upgraded to Linux Mint 8 (Helena) in November and again in May 2011 when Linux Mint 9 (Isadora) was released. ...

October 18, 2010

how I lost my Linux virginity

This week I am attending an excellent training course on Linux System Administration at Oracle’s offices in Moorgate, near London. The course is given by Harald van Breederode, an excellent trainer who manages to combine deep technical, real-life expertise with a rare ability to explain complex things in simple terms with a sense of humour. As is traditional, each attendee was asked to give a precis of his/her job role, star sign, experience with Oracle, most embarrassing professional moment, any exposure to Unix (Linux), favourite band and expectations for the course. ...

June 2, 2009