The Story of The Who

Thoroughly enjoyed 2 hours of ‘The Story of The Who’ last night on BBC4. What a story it was. The ultimate rock’n’roll band. A Rolls Royce driven into a swimming pool, copious amounts of drugs, lots of girls and the premature death of two band members. During one gig, Moon was carried off stage - completely comatose. 30 years on, Pete Townshend looked visibly choked when talking about the (not wholly unexpected) death of Keith Moon and Roger Daltrey remarked ‘Keith seemed to think he was invincible....

April 19, 2008

top 10 concerts of all time

The Fall - Hazel Grove Youth Club (1979) - ‘We are The Fall. Rule One: no-one gets on stage. Rule Two: no spitting. Rule Three: no requests.’ The Chameleons - Salford University (1984) - The Manchester gigs just seemed so much more manic. The Fall - Stockport College (1979) - Not so much a stage as a large step. Standing three feet away from a snarling Mark E. Smith and his carrier bag....

March 6, 2008

Oracle TagFest - the last word

REM - Country Feedback ‘Crazy, all the lovers have been tagged.’

January 15, 2008

review of 'Control'

I went to see ‘Control’ last night which is a film directed by Anton Corbijn about the life of Ian Curtis, lead singer with Joy Division. The film is based on the book ‘Touching From A Distance’ by Curtis’ wife, Debbie and is as much about the disintegration of Curtis’ marriage when he embarks on an affair with a music journalist, Annik Honore, as the story of Joy Division. The film was brilliant and, in particular, Sam Riley’s performance as Ian Curtis was exceptional....

October 6, 2007


Enjoyed this BBC4 program on the history of Factory with lots of interviews with Tony Wilson, Peter Saville, Vini Reilly, Shaun and Paul Ryder, Stephen Morris, Peter Hook and Bernard Sumner. So many amusing anecdotes and quotes: New Order insisted on playing live on TOTP and, unusually, ‘Blue Monday’ promptly fell down the charts thanks to their abysmal performance (Sumner’s appalling vocals). Martin Hannett’s unconventional approach to production: ‘He used to piss the drummer off so he would hit the drums harder....

September 28, 2007

Tony Wilson

Thanks for bringing us Joy Division, New Order, The Hacienda and your faith and passion for Manchester. From The Times: ‘His name change to Anthony H. Wilson was, he once said, to’ “wind up all the people in Manchester who think I’m a flash t***.” 57 years young. Much too soon. RIP.

August 12, 2007

Planet Earth by Prince

The 80’s pop star - Prince - simultaneously delighted both his fans and horrified the music industry with his shock inclusion of a disposable CD with a leading (shurely shome mishtake) UK Sunday newspaper. Norman Brightside, an avid Daily Mail reader, was absolutely delighted with the complimentary inclusion of ‘Planet Earth’ with his £1.40 Mail on Sunday. ‘I simply love ‘The Artiste Formerly Known As Prince’. Whenever I get invited to a fancy dress or themed party, guess who I always go as ?...

July 16, 2007

The Who at Glastonbury

That set list in full Theme from ‘CSI’ Track ripped off from ‘Quadrophenia’ Theme from ‘CSI: Miami’ Another track shamelessly ripped off from ‘Quadrophenia’ Theme from ‘CSI: New York (Series 5)’ Song ripped off from ‘Tommy’ Theme from ‘CSI: Special Victims Unit’ Encore: Terrible cover version of ‘My Generation’ by The Zimmers

June 25, 2007

quiet, loud and very loud

A great weekend for the middle-aged, barstool musical correspondent. Music and chat from Iggy and The Stooges on Jonathan Ross. I never realised ‘Elves’ by The Fall was such a complete rip-off of ‘I wanna be your dog’. Seven Ages of Rock Black Flag, R.E.M, Pixies and Nirvana. ‘Some people can not do that and will not do that.’ (simple bass riff) - Kim Deal on ‘Where is my mind’...

June 24, 2007

YouTube - what is it good for ?

Generally, the quality of cover versions on YouTube can vary to say the least. However, covers that purely mime to the original soundtrack are excellent as you can simply minimise the video and listen to decent music, you were forced to remove to make way for another yet another virtual machine. This cover version of ‘Aneurysm’ by Nirvana has a certain visual appeal though - the drums and cymbal, the bendy guitar and the socks....

March 22, 2007