a lesson in software design

This blog used to run on WordPress but now runs on Habari which is a blogging platform currently being developed by a set of very talented people. Undoubtedly, the number of developers and users running Habari is far fewer than the massive community using WordPress. Similarly, the number of available themes and plugins available for Habari is relatively small (albeit growing daily) and dwarfed by the vast, almost bewildering wealth of add-ons and the extensive range of themes available for Wordpress....

April 10, 2008

Stalag Facebook

Not so much a walled garden as a high security prison with barbed wire and electric fences.

January 3, 2008

Ask fights back

I don’t know whether Ask have changed their agency but I think this advert is a marked improvement on the previous campaign. Imagine you were a tourist looking to visit London, which site would you choose ?

November 17, 2007

just the job

Note to self: Dust off CV and apply for this job on Monday morning. Any client who is interested in people ‘running projects from cradle to grave’ intrigues me.

October 27, 2007

sync'ing Thunderbird with Google calendar

Just installed the Lightning extension which provides an embedded calendar (Sunbird) within Thunderbird. This is made even more useful by the addition of the Provider for Google Calendar add-on that enables seamless, two way synchronisation between Google Calendar and Thunderbird.

September 10, 2007

how a digital camcorder drove me to suicide

Back in the old days, things were very simple. You filmed endless hours of footage with your analog camcorder; your summer holidays, opening Christmas presents around the tree, your child’s first steps and birthday parties. Then, the night before you set out on your next summer holiday, the wife utters words that strike fear into the very heart of your soul: ‘Charge the camcorder batteries and have you transferred all the tapes to video so we can re-use them ?...

September 3, 2007

Facebook penetration of corporate America

I was interested to read that Microsoft have over 17,597 employees registered on Facebook out of a total of 70,000 employees. I thought I would try to discover how other leading IT companies compared, including my own. The staff numbers come from Google Finance and the rounding errors come from me. The following Facebook networks are only open to company employees with a valid email address although, obviously, a better metric would have been some measure of recent activity....

July 25, 2007

Artificial Intelligence

Weird. This was also the subject of my final year project at University. My AI creation was written in ‘C’ on Unix and used the curses package. However, my effort wasn’t so accomplished, had severe problems when a piece was crowned and didn’t implement the ‘huffing’ rule correctly. Having said that, it did beat me on four occasions.

July 20, 2007

Facebook versus LinkedIn

OK. I couldn’t resist any longer. Scoble’s recent post about this killer Google Reader application forced me to sign up for yet another pointless, short-lived, social network, Web 2.0 application - Facebook. I was keen to preserve my ‘Johnny Come Lately’ status and was relieved to find, coincidentally, that Donncha had signed up just ahead of me so I am now confirmed as the very last person in the world to sign up for Facebook....

July 17, 2007

Stadium Rock etiquette

Lyrics plugin for Media Player and Winamp. Although you will spoil the Reading festival for your immediate neighbour with your loud, tuneless, intoxicated karaoke at least you will know the words.

July 16, 2007