Web 2.0 - am I infected ?

Email You use ELM on a VT220. You use Emacs and Gnus. Corporate standards force you to use Microsoft Outlook and you don’t even mind. You use Gmail for all work and personal email. Documents Quill and parchment. XEmacs. Microsoft Word with 37 macros. Microsoft Excel for all documents . Google Documents for all correspondence. Newsgroups What are newsgroups ? You use Emacs and Gnus. Your company doesn’t run an NNTP server for security reasons....

February 14, 2007

the unbearable coolness of VOIP

As part of my job, I often have the pleasure of walking around call centers where agents use headsets to enable them to interact with a computer while conducting a telephone call with a customer. I have often wondered whether it would be cool or nerdy to use such a headset myself. To date, where possible, I tend to use my mobile phone on speakerphone so I am free to continue to type....

February 9, 2007

questions and answers

Over the past couple of days, much to my surprise, I have actually managed to answer some questions. The parameter ‘ExtractStartDate’ was set to ‘11/01/2007’. This means that Siebel will ignore all appointments and tasks prior to this date. The default value of ‘ExtractStartDateFormat’ is ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ which equates to ‘01 November 2007’. Install Cygwin, sed -n -e ‘x,yp’ < bigfile.log If the Exchange Connector and SSSE Engine component are run by accounts in different domains, trust must be established in order for RPC calls to work correctly....

February 7, 2007

porting Drupal to Oracle and DB2

A couple of interesting papers discussing the portability issues and challenges involved when trying to port Drupal to the freely available versions of Oracle and DB2.

February 6, 2007

bedroom antics with the wife

Last night, I happened to catch my wife composing an email. I noticed that when she sent a personal email to her friends, she invariably typed ‘From Norma’ as the subject line. This just seemed really weird to me. I asked her what she thought of the ‘semantic web’ and whether she had given any thought to adding tags to her personal emails such as ‘Norma’ and ‘From’ to help build a valuable taxonomy for her friends....

February 1, 2007

Snap made me finally snap

Thankfully, Scoble has finally found the ‘Disable Snap’ button on his WP dashboard. Only another 641,000 WordPress blogs to go. If you don’t know what I am talking about, just explore Jonathan Lewis' excellent Wordpress blog and see how long you last before exploding. [Hint: hover over a hyperlink] If you can’t be bothered, look here although a screenshot can’t do justice to the mind numbing effect and irritation factor....

January 31, 2007


Despite occasionally enjoying this site and subscribing to this Oracle focussed offshoot, I always laid awake at night, endlessly tossing and turning, wondering what this curious and cryptic acronym WTF stood for. I need wonder no more. Technorati have finally put me out of my misery. WTF actually stands for ‘Where’s The Fire ?’ My immediate reaction was ‘WTF ?’ No wonder Technorati killed that product at birth.

January 31, 2007

automated MySQL backups

After my recent brush with disaster, I realised that my, err, backup strategy relied on me remembering to perform a manual, occasional Wordpress export or a database backup. This was acceptable while I was messing around with this blogging lark but now I realise that it would be a little disappointing to lose the entire contents of my blog. While Bluehost run backups (which have saved my skin once), it would be foolish to completely rely on my hosting provider and the height of stupidity to rely on me !...

January 30, 2007

death by PowerPoint

Excellent article by Seth Godin about the perils of PowerPoint. Just look what it did to the poor pigeon.

January 30, 2007

aim for the stars

Meet Dan Morrison. His main aim in life is :- Currently dedicated to linking all IT professionals together in one network so they can find each other and communicate. Don’t scoff. Dan already has 93,822 connections (including me) on ITtoolbox so he’s very nearly half way there. Dan - Let me know when you’ve finished and I’ll have that list of email addresses in exchange for a box of vintage 1980’s records....

January 29, 2007