WordPress.com adds a couple of themes

WordPress made some changes to the available themes just before Christmas which I have only just noticed. I particularly like the changes in Regulus 2.0 by Ben Gillbanks as you can now customise the theme a little. You can choose to have the calendar displayed (Howard will be pleased), change the ‘Blogroll’ to use link categories, change the header image and the colour scheme. Also, the irritating ‘Message essage’ bug is fixed. ...

December 28, 2005

WordPress.com improves statistics

There are new, improved blog statistics available from WordPress.com with more to come. No additional Javascript needed. Integrated reports from the dashboard. Superb. As Matt said in a recent interview, these guys are active bloggers themselves so they understand what users want, what is useful, what is not and they also listen to feedback.

December 23, 2005

good news for WordPress users

The news is out. Yahoo! will be offering WordPress hosted blogs for small businesses and charging a monthly fee for the service. I think this is good news for all WordPress users (.com and .org) as it provides a revenue stream for future development.

December 21, 2005

new Regulus theme for WordPress.com

Those nice people at WordPress have opened up WordPress.com to the masses and added a couple of new themes. I really like the ‘Regulus’ theme from Ben Gillbanks because it looks clear and uncluttered, the tag line is displayed and the RSS feeds for the blog and comments are obvious. The only polite suggestions for improvement would be to relocate ‘Blog Roll’ under the ‘Archive’ and ‘Categories’ to let the main body text occupy more of the screen and for ‘Message ssage’ to be fixed in the ‘Comments’ section. ...

November 29, 2005